TIPS TUBES & STORAGE 2018-04-13T02:21:15+00:00

The product range comprises the impressive line of universal fitting regular and filter barrier pipette tips, sample storage through its ClickSeal micro centrifuge tubes, BioStor screw cap vials and MTRS – MicroTube Rack System. Recently has seen the introduction of a comprehensive line of PCR consumables and sealing options.

Ürün yelpazesi; evrensel uyumlu regular ve filtre bariyerli pipet uçları, ClickSeal mikro santrifüj tüpleri, BioStor vidalı kapaklı vialler ve MicroTube Rack Sisteminden (MTRS) oluşuyor. Son zamanlarda kapsamlı bir PCR sarf malzemeleri ve sealing seçenekleri de sunuluyor.